A child’s nervous system is essential to the growth and health of all the other systems of the body. Movement, coordination, balance, heart health, bone, tendon and ligament development are all controlled and maintained by the nervous. Stress and misalignment of the spine can have serious impacts on your child’s overall health, behavior, and development.
Children of all ages can benefit from regular chiropractic adjustments. Children’s nervous systems and spine grow amazingly fast, in ways that may not be readily seen from the outside. Adjustments encourage nerve and brain development as well as helping bodies grow and develop without interference. Making sure that physical stress does not impact your child in a negative way is one of our top goals.
As children attend school, to develop their minds and brains, school stress can become more intense. As your child ages, athletics become more competitive, and regular chiropractic care can help optimize their performance. If your child is injured, chiropractic care can often minimize the impact of the injury on their continued health.
Chiropractic offices are the place to go for pre-sports and school physicals required by many districts.
Chiropractic intake examinations involve a combination of:
- paperwork (history, other treatments that may be concurrent with care, past injuries, etc.)
- physical examination – range of motion, posture (checking for level hips and shoulders, tight muscle groups, and spinal alignment evaluation (what may need adjusting as well as any structural issues.
- Neurologic examination – to determine underlying issues with the nervous system.
These give chiropractors a baseline of your child’s form and function and direct their plan of care.
Gentle chiropractic adjustments, whether manual or using a low force tool like an activator as well as other low force techniques are used to help your child correct and maintain nervous system function, allowing them to develop fully.
Movement is essential to development and getting outside is essential too. We actually create vitamin D from exposure to sunlight! Vitamin D is a main ‘driver’ of our body processes for growth, healthy cell function and energy. So, get yourself and your kids to the park, take a walk or a run or play outdoor games with your kids – you will all be healthier.
Remember to drink the proper amount of water each day to stay hydrated: Take body weight, divide by 2. That is the number of ounces of water you should have each day for proper hydration. (100 pound child / 2 = 50 (ounces). Very active kids and adults will need more! Hydration improves your energy levels and brain function!
Kids (and adults!) cannot develop and maintain their bodies without proper food. Everyone knows what we should eat; plenty of vegetables and fruits – the more colors and shapes the better! Use good meat proteins from a variety of sources; farm to table, organic and grass fed are better than GMO, non-organic, corn fed… You get the idea. Beans (chili and ham and beans, yum!) and lentils are great sources also. (limit these proteins, or combine with meats, beans and lentils are not ‘complete’ proteins.) It’s worth noting that Vitamin B-12 is only available from animal proteins (or supplements). B-12 is essential for absorption of iron, essential for blood cells and oxygen use.
Limit processed foods, fast food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup.
Limit the intake of gluten containing foods, too – breads, muffins, battered and fried foods, etc. Gluten proteins actually damage the intestines, leading to ‘leaky gut’ and celiac disease and eventually to autoimmune disorders. When gluten reaches the bloodstream, it can pass the blood-brain barrier, where it attaches to opioid receptors in the brain! (The same place opioid pain relievers go.) You might think sometimes that you are addicted to breads, and you would be right…
Getting plenty of sleep can be a challenge! Especially for children. Make your evening mealtime as early as possible, followed directly by a snack if you’re going to have one and limit water after 7pm. Keep to a schedule for bedtimes and wake times. When everyone understands the bedtime rules, it can go a lot smoother.
Help your kids develop healthy bodies and minds!
Dr Armour D.C.