I first learned about the power of chiropractic from a chance occurrence. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to take part on a mission trip to Haiti while attending chiropractic college. 75 other students and 10 Doctors of Chiropractic from around the world were also participants.
We provided healthcare to the residents of some of the poorest regions of Haiti and some of the larger cities. Over the course of 8 days, I saw 700+ patients, and each of the other students saw a similar amount!
The people of Haiti are amazing & proud. They have amazing physiques, considering they have almost nothing. If you are very lucky in Haiti, you might have a job that pays enough for food and shelter. When the hurricane(s) went through the country, it was devastating. So much of the infrastructure, housing and services were destroyed.
We spent time in several of the villages. We travelled in buses, with drivers and interpreters. Haitian creole is a wonderful language, but difficult to learn. One of my trip-mates grew up in Haiti and she gave us language phrases that made our jobs much easier. When we parked close to a village and began setting up, there would generally just one or two people visible. Once the tables were ready and we could catch our breath, there would be lines of people forming for us to work with. They appreciated us so much! Bringing the power of chiropractic care to residents of a country that basically has no healthcare was amazing.
One patient
While providing healthcare services to the residents of Ouanaminthe, a larger city, we set up our treatment tables in a central area, under a covered pavilion. We treated patients that afternoon and evening and collectively saw over 400 patients that day alone. Ouanaminthe is close to the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and has a population of 146,000+ souls.
One of the patients seeking care was an older woman, one of the few ‘elder’ people I had seen in Haiti. She was being carried up the steps of the pavilion by her 2 grandsons, as she was unable to walk. Several of the other chiropractic student’s kind of ‘backed off’ and said – “This one’s for you, Charlie.”
OK, challenge accepted.
I directed her grandsons to seat her on my table, and I began my examination.
Now, you must remember, I was a student at the time. I didn’t know then what I know now, and it was unsettling to have a patient not able to stand without pain, let alone walk. She is a beautiful person and seeing the pain in her eyes – well, I just wanted to do the best I could for her. I found some restrictions in her spine – I was certain I could adjust and at least bring relief there.
With the language barrier, I could not ask her detailed questions. With interpretation help, I was told she was having extreme pain in her right hip and upper leg, causing her inability to walk. Examining her, I found very tight musculature and pain responses almost anywhere I touched in the hip area.
Visions of our pathology professor educating us on all the probable issues gave me a bit of a pause. We look for signs and symptoms to form a baseline of what might be occurring with a patient. We go through a process of ‘differential diagnosis’, looking at those signs and symptoms. Along with patient histories and our examination, leading us to a conclusion of the cause of an illness or condition. For conditions we can treat, take a look at this: Conditions treated by Chiropractic
Even at that stage of my education, I knew to trust the process, look for restrictions and adjust whatever I found. In simple terms, if something will not move in the direction it is intended to move, adjust the structure so movement can begin to happen as it should. But also, we are trained to check for more serious pathology, so that adjustments will not complicate pre-existing conditions (maybe fractured pelvis…?)
I also knew that she probably would need follow-up care on whatever I did. And, being a student, I did not expect a lot from my attempt to help. In fact, at any time, I expected one of the doctors that had come with us to step in! But everyone in our group was watching what I was doing, and it gave me confidence that they were there, backing me up if I needed them.
Crack on (pun intended…
I adjusted her back, then her hip and her right knee, based on the restrictions I found. There were some ‘cavitations’ – that’s the sciency name for the ‘click’, ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ that some associate with chiropractic care. A little scary given the apparent age of my patient and possible complications of poor diet – like osteoporosis.
There were also a few tense moments when I caused her pain. I hate provoking pain in a patient, even now. I realize that sometimes the body reacts with a short-term pain response because the tissues are releasing from a pattern of compensation. When that happens, the pain receptors in the tissues are sometimes stimulated.
I finished my ‘trial of care’ for my patient, and after getting her sitting up on the table, she had the biggest grin! She had so much less pain, she was able to get up and walk – walk down the steps her grandson’s had carried her up.
That was one of my ‘power of chiropractic – miracle moments’. Those cases where you don’t know if you can help, and finding not only did you help, you changed their quality of life. It was an experience I will never forget, and I carry her smile with me into each and every patient encounter since.

There have been more ‘moments’ since, but that was the first. If you are experiencing pain, disability or loss of quality of life, I urge you to make an appointment and see what ‘The Power of Chiropractic’ can do for you! It might just change your life.
Respectfully, Dr. Armour, DC