WARNING – ‘sciency’ stuff in here!
If you don’t want to get into all the science, here is the take away –
For those who want a bit more science, read on –
The adjustments Chiropractors do are a high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation.
Let me share with you what happens:
This is the type of adjusting chiropractors perform. This HVLA thrust is rated on the “Maitland Joint Mobilization Scale” as a grade 5:

This is where a small movement, occurring at the very end range of motion for the joint, has a positive impact. The grade 5 adjustment takes specialized training to perform safely. It is a high velocity thrust at the very end of the available range of motion. Nobody else does this like a doctor of chiropractic. Some PT’s, athletic trainers, DO’s, massage therapists, even some MD’s can perform grade 1 & 2 adjustments. Some osteopaths might get into a 3 or 4 range.
So what exactly happens? When we deliver an adjustment, the muscles stretch and the joints mobilize. This very fast stretch affects muscle sensory fibers, and restores proper motion of the joint.

The muscle sensory fibers in turn affect another structure (the Pacinian corpuscle receptors) in the joint space.
These Pacinian receptors SHUT OFF PAIN FIBERS – AT THE SOURCE OF PAIN – we get pain control at the point of the injury with an adjustment.
But wait – the adjustment doesn’t stop there: There is a burst of nerve activity going up the spinal column into the brain. This activity does some pretty amazing things!

The nerve pulse travels up the spinal cord positively affecting balance and proprioception. Proprioception is our sense of ‘place’, where our bodies are in space. (This sense is how you can close your eyes and touch your nose with your finger…)

This nerve activity then passes into another part of the brain with a funny name – the peri-aqueductal brain.
The peri-aqueductal brain has a very, VERY rich supply of endorphins (a hormone dumped into the body immediately after an adjustment) that helps RELIEVE PAIN.

When you get an adjustment, you get immediate relief of pain, at the source (injury) AND in the brain (where pain is recognized.) Proper motion of the joint is restored, and this maintains the absence of pain.
Best of health, Dr Armour
Armour Chiropractic
Parts of this article are excerpted from a lecture given by Dr. Baron, DC