Sometimes, we ignore warning signs and: “WOW, that’s a huge repair bill! What happened to your car?” or “WOW…that’s what it cost to fix your hip? What happened?”
Let’s take a look at a comparison between cars and our human bodies. I know it sounds weird, but for some it helps put their body into a familiar situation. People ignore maintenance for their cars and maintenance for their health alike.
Why do people ignore maintenance for their cars? They may not know:
- what needs to be checked
- why to check it
- how or how often to check
- too busy, no time, etc.
Why do people ignore maintenance for their health? Same reasons!
WARNING ? there is some science info in here!
We ignore our oil level – 
Until we see a leak, or the warning light on the dash starts to flash… In chiropractic terms, this is equivalent to the levels of fluid in our joints – the ‘slick stuff’ – a thick liquid located between your joints that cushions the ends of bones and reduces friction when you move. This fluid is in every joint of our body – toes, fingers, knees, shoulders, spine, the ends of our ribs, etc.
Here is some of that ‘sciency’ info: you can skip down to the next paragraph if you’re not interested here. The scientific name of ‘slick stuff’ or joint fluid is known as ‘synovial fluid’, which contains proteins, proteoglycans, chondroitin, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid. is. The chemical makeup of the fluid allows for about 70-75% water to accumulate into a gel like matrix, giving synovial fluid it’s lubricating qualities.
When your joints are not supported by proper food and water, this joint fluid can start to break down, just like our car engine can ‘throw a rod’ or overheat due to excess friction from lack of oil. When joint fluid breaks down, the cartilage at the ends of our bones begins to rub, causing pain and dysfunction.
And, just like an engine that needs repair, our joints can require fixing too. Shoulder, knee and hip replacements might have been avoided by paying attention to the ‘oil’ level in our joints, before damage occurs. Regular chiropractic checkups and maintenance adjustments can help!
An engine rebuild can cost over $4,000, can you imagine what a total knee replacement surgery costs? In 2020, a BlueCross study found the average cost (without complications) was over $31,000!
We ignore the anti-freeze in our radiator – 
Until the engine overheats and breaks the crankcase or ‘blows a head gasket’. Think of the amount of water and balance of minerals (hydration and electrolytes) we have in our body, critical for health and function. We have heard the stories of people out in the sun, not drinking water. Or, sweating so much, they lose all their electrolytes and crash. They start to feel lightheaded, then get nauseous or throw up. If they do not get cool and drink water and replenish electrolytes immediately, it can be life-threatening. I know, I put up hay for our horses and have been there, in the 100+ degree heat. I’ve felt the warning signs of heat stroke.
What amount of water should you drink? Here is a rule of thumb to start with – take your body weight, say 150 pounds. Divide that by 2 is 75 pounds. Change the pounds to ounces, so 75 ounces. That’s what a 150 pound person should drink, every day, and that’s the minimum. Out in the sun or doing heavy work – drink more!
Electrolyte imbalance is a bit tougher to determine. The amount of electrolytes needed to replace what you’ve lost through sweating and hard work is difficult to determine. Generally, if we add electrolytes to our water, our bodies are smart – and only take in what we need. A great electrolyte supplement that can work for you is “Young Living’s Vitality Drops + electrolytes”. Just add a squeeze to your water, it really helps. If you’re not a Young Living member, click here to get started.
We ignore tire pressure – 

And lose traction on the highway or in the rain and snow. Or cause wear and tear on the tread, requiring new tires before they should have worn out. Your feet are equivalent to the tires on your car.
Look down– are your feet aligned correctly? Imagine a line from the center of your ankle going through the front of your foot between the 2nd and third toes. This line should point directly forward.
Are your arches supported? Yes, I said ‘arches’ – plural. Each foot has 3, the arch everybody knows on the inside edge of your foot, (called the medial longitudinal arch), then the arch on the outside of the foot, (called the lateral longitudinal arch) and the third arch, (called the transverse arch) – located just behind the ball of your foot.
Are your ankles straight and strong? Your ankles should follow a straight line down your calf. If your ankles angle in towards your center line (pronation), you likely have flatter feet. If your ankles angle out (supinate), you can have a propensity for muscle cramps.
Each of these play important roles in your ‘gait’ – how you walk or run, generally how you get from point A to point B. If your arches are not supported, or worse, not supported the same for each foot, your walking and running gaits can suffer, and this, my friends is where ‘compensation patterns’ and foot/ankle/leg/knee/hip/low back discomfort and pain can start. To put it another way, if the foundation (your feet) isn’t right, the walls (your ankles, knees, legs, and hips, etc.) can lean or fall down!
We ignore the rust
Until the body panel starts to flap in the wind, or the floorboards have a hole you can see the highway through… Your skin can develop its own ‘rust’. Our skin is our largest organ and it is our first line of defense against infections! Dry flakey skin, itching, rashes, thinning overall that makes us bleed easier – these are all signs that we should take better care of our skin. Like the hydration mentioned above to keep form having an episode of heat stroke, too little hydration can lead to these skin problems and more. Hydrate to keep your skin soft and supple. Use hypoallergenic moisturizers that a are free of toxins to restore damaged skin. Check out this article for what toxins may be present in your skin care products!
We ignore brake and other little “noises” that occur from time to time –
Until we hear that “squeal” from the brake pad wear indicators, pinging of the pistons going uphill, cracks and pops from the doors and other bodywork. Sometimes these sounds are subtle, providing clues about something that is wrong or that is starting to go wrong. Paying attention to these sounds can let you take care of problems while they are small instead of waiting for alignments or suspension to go REALLY bad and needing to replace steering components instead of replacing a simple rubber bushing. When you body is making sounds (grinding or popping) or has sensations that don’t seem right (joints that will not lock or unlock when you want them to) – have it checked out. You may save yourself from injury, joint or tendon damage, etc.
The point is:
To have the best chance at continued health, keep your maintenance on schedule. How often? Maintenance appointments can be as few as one visit every 2 or 3 months. You may be surprised at how much better you feel after an adjustment and might just find out your oil level was going below the ‘Fill’ mark on the dipstick.
Best of health,
Doc Charlie
Armour Chiropractic